September 11, 2009

Get to Know Your SEO: Seth Ellsworth

Seth Ellsworth has a different perspective on life seeing as he is 6’10”. In answer to your next question, yes, he plays basketball. He played a year and a half for Brigham Young University, but retired due to a back injury. However, Seth still reigns in the ESPN March Madness brackets.

Regarding super powers, Seth says that if given the choice he would probably be Gumby. He feels that he and Gumby could relate to each other because they are both tall. Among his many notable accomplishments is winning the Aflac duck during the company insurance presentation.

Seth grew up in Washington, Utah, Arizona, and a few places in between. Seth prefers weekends, but he still enjoys Thursdays because they bring him closer to the weekend. He doesn’t have any nicknames nor have any pets. He once had a fish, but you must watch the video to appreciate the significance of this fish.

And if you have any questions about conversion optimization, Seth is your man.


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