A lot of people, myself included, have, on occasion, perhaps been a bit (cough)aggressive about marketing. This is all well and good, and perhaps is what seperates those who make real cash from those gathering up their adsense pennies. However, eventually those tricks start to spread, and then…market saturation.
You’ll notice I never tell people specifics on here. That’s for a reason. I hate people that take a market that is easy to saturate, and then shove up a “How to” that makes it worthless for all involved. Including those who pioneered the tactic(Hint: The blogger almost never pioneered it)
Without Further Delay, here is the 3rd Post for the Day(aren’t you lucky I hate studying?);
The Top Ten Signs Your Market is Oversaturated
10) Your PPC ads go from pennies per click, to something involving a comma.
9) You see a “punch the hated object here” about it.
8 ) You find someone selling an e-book about the technique (god I hate ebooks)
7) That e-book somehow finds it’s way onto DigialPoint, complete with edited “Acount Statement”
6) You see me cussing at people on DigitalPoint about it.
5) Wherever you’re marketing updates their filters specifically to block you.
4) Legal threats start appearing on the interweb…
3) Shoemoney or BluehatSEO makes a post about it(Oh God. It’s almost worthless at this point)
2) You start to deeply consider an offshore bank account.
And the number 1 way to tell your market is saturated….
1) Your trick starts appearing on EDU sites that also mysteriously hawk Viagra!
I have watched this happen perhaps too many times. Let’s all shed a tear.
Now move on, and find that next trick!
August 26, 2009
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